The Career Center, in cooperation with the School of Education, invites school district personnel to recruit on-campus as part of Education Interview Days (EID). The school district representative conducts the interview with TCNJ graduating students for employment opportunities in teaching and school guidance. Last year over 79 school districts held more than 900 interviews. If you wish to participate in the EID, please review the details below.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email TCNJ’s Career Center at or call the office 609-771-2161
Friday, April 11 EID Employer Names and Contact Information
Friday, March 28 EID Names and Contact Information
EID Facebook Photo Album
More videos –>
Friday,March 21 EID Interviewer’s Names and Contact Information
- Why do you want to teach?
- What are your professional goals?
- Tell me about yourself, and why I should hire you?
- What educational experiences was your most memorable and why?
- What 3 words best describe you?
- Describe an outside interest or hobby and how it relates to your educational goals.
- When you have an important decision to make, how do you make it?
- Describe a rigorous course you have taken, and what you learned about yourself.
- Identify a recent experience that you thought needed to be improved. How did you go about it? Were you successful? Why or why not?
- What model do you use in developing a lesson?
- What happens during the first five minutes and the last five minutes of a good lesson?
- Describe what I would see during one of your best lessons?
- How would you use technology to assist you in teaching students? How would your students use technology in your classroom?
- What is your strength as a teacher and give a specific example of how you have demonstrated it in the classroom.
- Give me an example of how you have used differentiated instruction in the classroom.
- What is your definition of character education and how would you incorporate it into your teaching?
- What are three strategies, other than traditional testing, that you would use to assess students’ learning?
- What strategies would you use to meet the needs of the many different learners you have in your class?
- What do you think teachers require to be more effective?
- What is your classroom management philosophy?
- Describe some classroom management strategies you use to run a smooth classroom.
- How would you handle a student who frequently disrupts class?
- How do you get a feel for what students are thinking?
- Describe some ways you gain an understanding of what your students have learned, i.e. assessment strategies?
- What would you do for the (insert your discipline) student who has already mastered a particular unit of study in your class?
- Describe a typical reading lesson for grade X.
- Describe a typical writing lesson for grade X.
- How do you manage the behavior of 22+ elementary school children?
- Describe your philosophy and approach to reading/language arts instruction.
- What does an exemplary mathematics classroom look like?
- What is “inquiry-based” science?
- What would you say to your students on the first day of school?
- How do you think you could contribute to the school community?
More online resources available here
Mandatory Activation Requirements
1. Register & Attend ONE of the following EID Workshops:
2. Complete Registration in LionsLink.
3. Receive resumé review in The Career Center before posting to LionsLink.
Summary of Dates
Interview Date |
Resumé Submission Ends | Interview Signup Begins | Interview Signup Ends |
Friday, March 21, 2014 | Sunday, February 2, 2014 | Friday, February 28, 2014 | Monday, March 3, 2014 |
Friday, March 28, 2014 | Sunday, February 2, 2014 | Friday, February 28, 2014 | Monday, March 3, 2014 |
Thursday, April 11, 2014 | Sunday, March 2, 2014 | Friday, March 28, 2014 | Monday, March 31, 2014 |