Making a decision about whether and when to attend graduate school is a decision only you and your family can decide. Take time to consider your options and your goals. Research both your future career as well as potential programs before you jump into a commitment to pursue a graduate degree. Some questions to ask while considering graduate school are:
- Does graduate school seem like a great solution because you don’t know what to do after graduation?
- Does the career your are interested in require a higher degree?
- Do you have the energy and stamina? Or do you need some time off?
- Are you ready to engage in more formal education?
- Is it advantageous to get hands on experience prior to attending graduate school?
- Do you have a solid idea of the career path you are headed?
Graduate school may not be an option for you, or it may. Research, ask questions, and decide for yourself what you want to do. And remember, a decision you make now does not have to be one that you must stick with forever. If you decide later you do want to apply for graduate school, you can always do so.
If you want to talk to someone about graduate school, you can schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor on Handshake.