Consider how you will be financing your graduate studies.It may be necessary for you to work while you study, or work before you study. Determine what is manageable and necessary for you. When doing your research for schools, see if they offer any scholarships, aid, or fellowship opportunities. To help you begin gather resources, here are some resources:
- biannual $1000 scholarship
- TCNJ Competitive Post-Graduate Fellowship Office
- Scholarships & Fellowships – Specific program listings
- FastWeb – Scholarship Database (requires profile)
- FinAid – Financial Aid for Graduate School
- Bookstore – Financial aid publications information
- GrantsNet – Funding opportunities for training in the biological and medical science
- MedLoans – Designed by AAMC; presented as the first program designed specifically for medical students
- Financing Medical School – An article from AAMC on monetary decisions for medical doctors – the Premedical Years
- Student Doctor – Information regarding medical & dental student loans
- Financing Law – Different types of financial aide for prospective law school students.
- International Education Financial Aid
Remember that graduate school is an investment and so it is important to consider your options carefully. If you want more help or resources, schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor on Handshake.